Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Have to say, I’m really enjoying participating in such a rich blogging community. All of you guys are the best :D.

Day went pretty well. Actually got some things cleaned up, head fish and chips for lunch, did my homework, and just lazed about.

To answer some questions from comments in the previous post…

1. I go to community college and my parents help pay. I have to pay for all books though, but that’s fairly easy. I refuse to deal with loans this early in life.

2. Jobs market in my area is actually vibrant. I know jobs are tough for a lot of people, but it’s all about confidence and how you sell yourself. You can get a job anywhere, you just gotta man up and do the work in finding one. It’s kind of like this whole blogging thing. Making sure you keep up on comments and adding fresh content, as well as showing some love to your followers and viewers.


I’m thinking about getting a Zentai suit for halloween. Prefer it be all black, any suggestions on sites to get one cheap?

Black Lycra Spandex Unisex Zentai Suit


  1. that's cool that you pay for all of your books

  2. I wish my parents would help pay >.<

  3. I've never seen one of those suits...if you get one you should definitely post a picture =P

  4. how about craiglist?

    visit ur local craiglist

  5. nice. i've never seen those suits before

  6. Free books man, great. I'd try ebay or amazon.

  7. Great costume. Hope you don't get hit by a car though.

  8. i'm enjoying everyones blogs too.

  9. awww and Im stuck at my job. Man I`m so jelous :D

  10. i did not know those suits had a name

  11. Hehe, I don't want to meet you on Halloween.

  12. Lucky man to have a dece job market around you, lucky indeed...

  13. i really dont know how to get one of these
