Thursday, October 14, 2010

This blahg

So yea, I don't think I'm getting enough page impressions to keep this blog running. I'll still going keep crookedoutlook.

That's what it is all about isn't it? IMPRESSIONS, and I need a lot more of them.

So tell your friends and family(lol) about this blog.

Money isn't everything.

Oh, I was seriously considering a Green zentai suit, however, for Halloween I'm going as the Greek primal god of chaos (The nothingness that sprang everything).


  1. I was thinking about maybe getting a group of bloggers together, and doing a kind of 'shout-out' on our blogs. So we all share the same followers.

    I've got nearly 50, you've got 50, I know a few other people with around about the same number.
    If we link to each other, then maybe we'll be in the hundreds sooner than later.

    What do ya think?

  2. Halloween isn't such a big deal here in Norway, but I thought maybe I'd try a costume of some sort this year, just for shits and giggles.
    Also, how the hell do you dress up as a chaos god?

  3. woah dude, don't be mad because of impressions :)
    it's the least important thing :)

  4. I just saw your site... that's a page impression from me :)

  5. interesting concept, you might have to explain it to people

  6. yeah, money isn't everything, but it's something :)

  7. Keep at it! As long as you have something to say, I know I'll be ready to read it :]

  8. thaaaat sounds like an intense halloween costume

  9. Zentai suit = win, also, my blog seems to be steady... on some days, lazy anons.

  10. You spelt blog.. interestingly.

  11. go as a sexy bumble bee instead

  12. I'll tell them about your blog if you tell them about mine :)

  13. That'll be a great costume... show pics!
